Celebrating Little Success

Hi, My name is Grace H. Mateo but you can call me Grace, if you asking me who that is? Yes that is me before the pandemic started and this is me during pandemic πŸ‘‡
Yes!, during the pandemic I loved taking pictures of myself, so that is me but of course with filters on. If you want to see my recent pictures now, well πŸ‘‡

Yes, i know it is just a normal selfie picture of myself with no effort, but that’s okay, the important thing is that I’m still me, right?

   Now, let's get started to our main topic which is about myself but before that i would like to introduce myself again.

Hi, my name is Grace H. Mateo but you can call me Grace, i am 16 years old and was born on June 27, 2005 which makes me a gemini. If we are talking about my favorites and likes, my favorite colors are black,white and purple, my favorite animals are cat and dog, my favorite food and drinks are street foods, pasta, milktea and etc. It always makes me happy whenever i eat them. And if you are asking what is my favorite to do, it will always watching anime and playing mobile games. And I'm actually an ambivert, meaning my personality is balance between extrovert and introvert.

How are you?

In the years before the pandemic started I was very happy and very okay, I could be independent, I didn’t worry about things that would break my confidense, I was very happy especially when I was with my friends and family. But when the pandemic started, I felt things I didn’t want to feel just like I had insecurities in my body that I previously didn’t have and I discovered my weaknesses and strengths during the pandemic. My weaknesses are that I have low self-esteem, my insecurity in my body and my inability to be independent. My strengths are being interested in the things that are happening around us.
Now I have realized that my weaknesses are the weaknesses of most others but they have overcome them and they have learned how to strengthen them. That is why I am now slowly changing my weaknesses and trying to strengthen them. What I have realized in my strengths is that being strategic, because of being interested in what is happening around us, I know what to do as a student, as a young woman and as a citizen.

What i want to message to future me if she get depressed?

If I get depressed, I just want to tell my future self not to let it get worse. Find a way to treat it, such as just entertaining yourself, doing the things you really want to do, avoiding the cause of depression, eating right or nutritious foods, exercising to entertain yourself and most of all talk to God, because in all cases whether there is a problem or not, you need to always talk and get along with him. With their help, you will definitely lose your depressed future self, so if you are depressed, don’t let it get worse and make the plans and advice of your past self.

And that’s it, that is me and that is always be me. Thank you for the timeq◕‿◕q

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